Board’s Top 5

After each board meeting, the Board of Directors publishes the ‘Top 5’ - a list of the latest news from a governance perspective.

April 2024

The JA Board of Directors last met on Tuesday,April 16, 2024. 

While many items were discussed, the Board wanted to share the following:

1. Meet “Tim the Robot” with a Colorful Personality!


At the April 16 Board meeting, 6th grade teacher Mr. Everett introduced us to two amazing robot programmers, Xander Rogers and Blakely Barden, from his class and their creation, Tim the Robot!

Tim is a color-sensing robot who has a special fondness for the color green. When he sees green objects, he'll happily pick them up and place them in his basket. But beware! If something isn't green, Tim might throw a little tantrum and toss the object away. He might even get grumpy and detonate!

The Board was impressed with this engaging presentation by our JA students!

Click here to meet these talented students and see Tim the robot in action!


2. Thank You for Your Voice!

We Hear You

The Board would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the families who participated in the recent Spring Survey distributed by the School Accountability Committee (SAC). Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the educational experience for our students.

The SAC plays a vital role in this process by administering these surveys twice a year and analyzing the results. A big ‘thank you’ goes to the SAC members for their dedication and hard work!

The insights gained from the surveys are crucial for the Board and administration to identify what's working well and where we can make adjustments. This feedback has led to meaningful changes on our campuses in the past, and we look forward to using it again to make JA and Summit Academy the best they can be.


 3. New Pre-Kindergarten Program

Pre Kindergarten

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Pre-Kindergarten program for the 2024-2025 school year, which was approved by the Board at the April 16 meeting! This initiative aligns closely with the Colorado Universal Pre-K program and will be available to qualifying families. The program will be hosted by the JA Elementary campus.

More information about the program, including eligibility criteria and the enrollment process, will be available shortly. Stay tuned!


4. Elect the Leaders Who Shape JA's Future!

The JA community has the opportunity to elect three new Board members! The elections will be held from May 6th to May 14th. In the coming weeks you will meet the candidates running for the three seats. As a charter school, JA thrives through the involvement of our families. Our schools’ continued success is underpinned by a strong governing Board, so please remember to vote!

Your Vote Matters!

A minimum of 667 votes is needed for the election to be valid. Make your voice heard and choose the leadership that shapes JA's future!

The election starts on May 6th so watch your email for candidate information and online ballot access and vote by May 14th!


5. Celebrate Our Graduates!

It's that time of year again – graduation season! We are excited to honor our students' achievements with four ceremonies:

  • Summit South Graduation: May 18th at 10AM

  • Summit Elementary Graduation: May 21st at 7PM

  • JA Elementary 6th Grade Continuation: May 22nd at 6PM

  • JA Secondary Graduation: May 23rd at 10AM

Congratulations to all the graduates!

Your JA Board,

Agnessa Vartanova, Anil Mathai, Flavio Quintana, Jerrilynn Lilyblade, Kirsten Mills, John Nunnally, Tristina Pontiakos