Board Elections
Charter schools are unique in that they are “parent/guardian-governed” schools, meaning that parents/guardians play an essential role, by contributing through policy and guidance, to the daily operations of the schools. This is achieved through the election of board members.
The purpose of the JA Board is to govern, not manage the schools. JA Board members act as a policy-setting group and through policies, they direct school administration while adhering to the Mission and Vision statements of Jefferson Academy Charter Schools.
Interested in joining the Board of Directors?
Here are the requirements for JA Board of Director candidates:
Be a current parent/guardian at any of our JA or Summit campuses
Read Professor E.D. Hirsch’s books “Cultural Literacy” and “The Schools We Need and Why We Don’t Have Them” and agree with the principles therein.
Become familiar with the Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence.
Agree with the educational philosophy, discipline policy, and administrative structure of JA.
Sign the Board Manual immediately upon election (Current Board Manuals are available in the school offices for potential candidates).
Understand you will be expected to participate on one or more board committees.
Please consider running for the Board if you have an interest in being more involved at the schools and in policy, as we all bring a variety of skills and talents. To run for an open Board seat, please submit a Candidate Letter, resume, and headshot to the Jerrilynn Lilyblade, or turn them into a school front office, by April 22, 2025. All letters and resumes will be published and delivered to the parent body by email and posted on our Board Voting webpage.
In your candidate letter, please share about your professional background and how it might contribute to the Board, why you would like to serve on the Board, and a little bit about yourself so that the community that will be voting can get to know you better. If you'd like, feel free to share your experience with JA and what you would like to focus on if elected.

Board Elections take place every May. For information on candidates and voting, visit our Board Voting page.